Senior / Active Adult Services
Meal Delivery is still being offered to the seniors 2 days a week. Many local restaurants are very happy and finding it helpful for their business to offer these meals, as it is helping to keep them in business. We have delivered over 35,000 meals to the seniors in Mountainside. If interested in receiving meals, please reach out to Kim Moriak at 908-232-4406.
The Property Tax Reimbursement Program (PTR) reimburses eligible senior citizens and disabled person for property tax increases. This state program “freezes” your taxes the year you become eligible and every year thereafter you are reimbursed the difference. You must be 65 (the first year you can apply is the year you turn 67) and lived in your current home for three years. If you are not currently enrolled in this program, please call (908) 232-2400 x240. The income limit for filing is $150,000 for 2022 and 2023.
This program is for Mountainside seniors 62 or over. The van is running on Monday 9:30-2:30 and Thursdays 9:30- 2:30. To make a reservation or for further information please call Kim Moriak at 908-232-4406.
Senior Gym
Blood Pressure Testing Schedule
Blood pressure screenings will be offered in the 1st Floor Conference Room 9:30-10:30 the following Tuesdays:
Sept 10, Oct 8, Nov 12, Dec 10